
Scanning your object

How many photos should you take?


(Mine took like 1 hour)

(With the photos - I think it’s fine to have a mixture of close up and far away images - someone else in the group seems to have done fairly random images, like not all from the same position, and it looks pretty good.)

(An optional alternative(?) to the thing below: You can import the point file into meshlab and you can delete the bits you don’t want. BE CAREFUL IN MESHLAB. Once you do a step you cannot go back. Meshlab is good to clean it up and delete bits that you don’t need. Always work on a copy.)

(Unity only reads binary)

[Fun thing: Export the ASCII file and open it in a text editor: you can see fairly cleanly all of the point coordinates - nice]



(important bits: The little icons in top left  [QWERTY]. Hand symbol is for moving around the area. Next one, the Move symbol: moving around the object. So if you are on camera (selected on the left) then you will be moving around the camera. Rotate tool rotates objects. Press command and you can move around. Press alt and you can look around)

Down at the bottom left is the Project Folder. Here you can save scenes. If you go to file, save as, you can save the scene. So you can jump through different scenes. Maybe this is more interesting for gamers - you have several scenes and can jump through, you make different environments

In the asset folder you have all of your objects. KEEP IT CLEAN !! There are also packages. You can download packages.

To make objects:

To make a material


Next section...

We will be downloading bits and using links from here:


(Note. Unity works on a project basis so your plugins etc are just in the project. You might want to have a central place(??))

Now, back in Unity:


(By the way - you need to edit things in scene mode rather than game mode. Changes made in game mode are lost)

Making the points react to audio

Basically drag this script onto your point cloud bit in the left section of Unity and when you go in the game and click play it should react to volume.

You can change the code of course.